Holyrood Street Improvements

Holyrood Street improvement scheme

Southwark Council are improving walking and cycling routes as part of Streets for People, our ambitious plan to improve the air we breathe in Southwark. As part of the Low Line, Holyrood Street design will also follow the principles of the Low Line for high quality public realm and placemaking

East side of the street, junction with Shand Street

The aims of the Holyrood Street project are to:

  • Improve facilities and accessibility for walking, cycling and activity
  • Provide quality outdoor space and create a sense of placemaking for the street
  • Improve the level of biodiversity and people’s connection to nature
  • Reduce unnecessary vehicle movements and manage illegal parking
  • Provide a managed solution to meet vehicle access, delivery and loading requirements
  • Address ponding and poor drainage issues on Holyrood Street.

In the detailed design stage, following this consultation, further consideration will be given to making it easier for people crossing Bermondsey Street from London Bridge Station onto Holyrood Street.

West side of the street, junction with Magdalen Street

We are proposing to meet the project aims by:

  • Creating a level, shared space within Holyrood Street, prioritising pedestrian movement and defining areas for vehicle access
  • Refreshing the materials used on the street
  • Providing cycle parking, greening and seating elements to the street
  • Providing designated loading bays to service the residents’ and businesses’ deliveries on the street
  • Improving drainage and creating a level shared surface  

To download a PDF of the scheme plan and Low Line report, please see below.
